Organic GABA Oolong Tea – a Healthy Tea Choice

Organic GABA Oolong Tea Processing

A lot has been said about GABA tea and the many benefits it has. It certainly is an amazing tea and due credit goes to the Japanese for “discovering” it. It was a person named Dr. Tsushida who “stumbled” on the process for making GABA tea during some unrelated research. He was a part of a Japanese research team involved in these studies more than 20 years ago by Japanese scientists. They surprisingly noticed that tea leaves exposed to nitrogen yields a huge increase the GABA levels of the tea. The Japanese, already realizing the benefits of GABA supplements, immediately caught onto this amazing discovery and since this time GABA Tea has become an integral part of the Japanese diet.

The processing of the tea is done naturally without any chemicals added. The initial tea plant is, in most cases, grown organically. The fresh tea is put into large vacuumed drums. The oxygen is pumped out and nitrogen is put in its place. Exposing the tea leaves to the nitrogen in this way is what increases the GABA in the leaves. This process takes about 8 hours at a temperature of 40-45 degrees Celsius.

GABA Health Benefits

The many health benefits of GABA, including its benefit as a Hangover Cure, have been elaborated on in other articles and I will not discuss this in detail here. Suffice to say is that drinking GABA tea can be very beneficial – especially for those prone to high blood pressure, stress and anxiety, lack of sleep, even weight loss and a general sense of well being. GABA supplements are being sold everywhere form pharmaceutical tablets to soft drinks and more. It is a known fact that a GABA deficiency can cause an imbalance in many of these areas.

GABA tea is being grown primarily in Taiwan and China and marketed worldwide – especially to Japan. The mid level, elevation tea growing region in Nantou County, Central Taiwan makes for an idea tea growing area. The Taiwan tea growing community in this region has developed the equipment for processing GABA tea easily and efficiently.

The global market consumption of GABA tea is very small compared to other Asian teas, such as green tea and oolong tea, which is surprising as it not expensive and an enjoyable tea to drink. GABA tea is relatively unknown in the Western world, although GABA supplements in other forms are now quite popular. As someone said – it is surprising that it is not more popular than green tea as it has more health properties and tastes better.

The loose leaf tea – although technically a rolled oolong tea – similar Dong Ding, half ball style – is considerably darker and the balls a little smaller in size.

When the tea is steeped the leaves unfurl and expand similar to regular oolong tea. The color of the liquor is a rich golden amber color. The tea has full bodied, fruity, honey aroma.

Hera are a coiuple of links for some more information:  GABA Tea Benefits GABA Tea Hangover Cure Tea

Order Organic GABA Oolong Wholesale 

For US and Canada regions our Organic GABA Oolong is now available on our Shopify online Store and also our US and Canada Amazon Stores

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